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Top 5 Best Water Heater Geysers

Here I discuss about top 5 best water heater and those features and specifications. So let’s talk about it.
1. Bajaj Flora 3-Litre 3kW Instant Water Heater:

Bajaj Flora provides long life heating element with high impact resistant engineered plastic body. It has multiple safety system and heating function for its Neon indicators.

2. Crompton Solarium DLX IWH03PC1 3-Litre Instant Water Heater:

Crompton Solarium water heater provides 3 liters capacity steel tank. Its power up with 3000 watts. The dimensions of Crompton Solarium water heater is 42.5 cm (length) x 22.8 cm (width) and (height).

3. Kenstar Hot Spring KGS15W5M Water Heater:

Kenstar Hot Spring water heater comes with cream color, elegant design and rust free body with 15 liter storage tank. It is highly energy efficient so that it’s reducing your electricity bills.  It is power up with 2000 watts and operating voltage is 220-240 volts.

4. Bajaj New Shakti Vertical Water Heater:  

Bajaj New Shakti Water Heater comes with 15 liter Glassine Coated Inner tank with white color body and fire retardant cable with 3 pin plug. Its special protection device attracts harmful salts and keeps the element and tank healthy and safe from corrosion. It provides 2 KW long lives Heating Element. It also has multiple safety systems for protection against dry heating, overheating and over pressure.

5. Powerpye water heater geyser 5 star ISI mark:

Powerpye water heater geyser is the best for all those who need some early morning hot water. It comes with 16-25litres tank capacity. It body made by non corrosive materials so it is secure from any rust problem.  It is very easy to assembled and installation. It also has auto cut off mechanism when its water reached maximum temperature.


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