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5 Best Ice Cream Maker Machine For Home In 2018

Today I discuss about list of 5 best ice cream maker machines for home in 2018. I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let’s talk about it.

1. Kitchenif Ice cream Maker :-

Kitchenif ice maker comes with white color high quality plastic body with 1.5 liters capacity and makes your favorite dessert very quickly and super easily. It also comes with a freezer Insulated bowl for freeze the ice cream. Keep in mind that you have to keep it 12-18 hrs in Double Door or Above Refrigerator for freeze your ice cream properly. It also comes with a recipe guide book. It has a mixing paddle for mix your ingredients very well. It has on-off switch on the top. Even you can pour your ingredients through Ingredient Spout Opening in the Bowl.

2. Libra Ice Cream Maker :-

The Libra Ice Cream maker comes with COMPACT DESIGN  and have Double insulated bowl and the reverse thermostat mechanism so you can get perfect and fresh ice cream every time. It also comes with a paddle mixer with a powerful motor so it makes 1.5 liters ice cream less than 30 munities. The removable freezer bowel is easy to clean and you have to keep the freezer bowl in Double Door Refrigerator for freeze your ice cream properly but keep in mind that it is not work properly in single door Refrigerator. It also comes with a recipe guide book.

3. Aicok Ice Cream Maker Machine :-

Aicok Ice Cream Maker is perfect for fast-freezing. It can makes good delicious ice cream with in 20 mutinies. Even it comes with 6 program modes Timer Function. It has fast-freezing mixing bowl which capacity is 1.4 liters. Even you can easily pour your ingredients through Ingredient Spout Opening in the Bowl. Its freezer bowl is easy to remove for cleaning. This ice cream maker has timer control switch on the top section.

4. Hamilton Beach 68320 Ice Cream Maker :-

Hamilton Beach Ice cream maker comes with new technology, fully automatic, no stirring and No rock salt required like other old ice cream maker. It has a mixing paddle for mix your ingredients very well. Even you can easily pour your ingredient through Ingredient Spout Opening in the Bowl. Friends! I use it before and I recommend not using more than 2 cups of liquid for prevents the overflow. It has easy removable bowl for freeze your ingredients mixer into double freezer. You can find the On-off button on the top section and it can makes 1 an half quarter capacity ice cream at a time.

5. Cuisinart ICE-21 Ice Cream Maker :-

Cuisinart ICE-21 ice cream maker comes with 3 colors variant white, red and pink with good built quality plastic body. It can makes good delicious ice cream with in 20 mutinies. It also comes with a paddle mixer with a powerful motor so it makes 1 an half quarters ice cream very fast. It also comes with a freezer Insulated bowl for freeze the ice cream. Keep in mind that you have to keep it in Double Door or Above Refrigerator for freeze your ice cream freeze properly. 


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    Al Diwan


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