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5 Best Big Air Coolers For Large Room In 2018

1. Crompton Greaves Ozone :-  

Crompton Greaves Ozone comes with white and gray color and build quality is very good. Its capacity is 75Ltrs which is ideal upto 550 Sq Ft. room size. It also comes with Honeycomb Cooling Pads so you can wash it very easily. It has air swing facility and air throw upto 52Ft so it covers your whole room.  It has four wheels Castors so you can move it anywhere in your room. If you want to get best cooling performance then keep it outside in your room.

2.Cello Marvel+ :- 

Cello Marvel+ is Powerful Mega Size Cooler with International Styling. It comes with White color and build quality is very good. Its capacity is 60 Litres which is ideal for room size of upto 800 Sq Ft. Its Power capacity has 185 Watts and Operating voltage has 230 V. It Always allow for CROSS-VENTILATION in your area / room, It also comes with Effective Honeycomb Cooling Pads so you can wash it very easily. It has Built in Castors for move it anywhere in your room. So you don’t need to buy any tray.  It also available 5000m3/hr Air Delivery facility and it has 3 speed motor with Powerful air throw upto 54Ft. This product also comes with Remote Control facility.      

3.Bajaj DC2016 :-

  Bajaj DC2016 comes with White color body and its build quality is good and stylish. Its capacity is 67 Litres which is Ideal for up to 750 Sq Ft room size. Keep in mind that you have to keep it in CROSS-VENTILATION area / room for good performance.  It has 3 Side cooling pad which enhanced its performance and it is easily removable for wash. This air cooler also has Castor wheels for easy mobility. It power capacity has 200 Watts and operating voltage capacity has 230 V. It also provides 3 way speed control, Quite Performance and Four way air deflection facilities.

4.Symphony Touch :-

    Symphony Touch comes with White color with good stylish body. Its capacity is 80 Litres which Ideal for room size of upto 475 Sq Ft. It has 6 high efficiency removable honeycomb pads which is easy to clean. This air cooler power capacity has 205 Watts and Operating voltage capacity has 230 V. The long story short , this air cooler  is very comfortable for large room.

5.Usha Honeywell CL :- 

  Usha Honeywell comes with good stylish body. It is fully portable and suitable for indoors/outdoors.  It has 3 side honeycomb cooling media for maximum cooling performance. Its capacity is 55 litres and provides Powerful cool air through upto 80 square meters. It Power consumption has 200 watts which saving you money while doing your bit for the environment. So, I can say that, this air cooler is energy efficient.


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