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5 Best 3D Printer Machine In 2018

Here I discuss about list of 5 best 3D Printer machine in 2018. If you want to turn your imagination into real life then you should try this.  Those are very useful and in your budget. Here I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let’s talk about it.

1. Flashforge WOL3D Finder 3D Printer :- 

This is a Great entry level 3D Printer. Excellent design with easy setup for print anything like any toys, table top show piece etc .  It has latest FlashPrint software included. Its color LCD screen is very user-friendly. It can prints one color at a time. It has single extruder. So, It only prints with PLA plastic. So you can easily turn your imagination into real life. It comes with easy removable filament tray just fit your filament inside it and set with the printer. You can print via Wi-Fi, USB and flash drive.

2. Flashforge Creator Pro 3D Printer :-

This Flashforge  3d printer is the upgraded version  and it has  Dual Extruder . So it can select color randomly from 2 spools filament. You can print anything from your SD card or USB pen drive.  You can print both ABS and PLA plastic. The build quality is solid with aluminum material. The external casing is nice and reduces the vibration. It can from SD card or USB input.

3. Da Vinci 3D Printer By XYZ Printing :-  

Da Vinci mini 3D Printer comes with FDM Technology and you can print with ABS,PLA and Flexible Filaments. Even you can connect it wirelessly to home, office and classroom network and turn you imagination into real life. It is a single-button print designing system and best for beginners and professional printing. Its bad factor is that it only supports XYZ printing filament.

4. MP Select Mini 3D Printer V2:-

This 3d printer comes with Compact Desktop Design which is easily fit for any desk. It also comes with fully assembled and has already been calibrated. It supports all types of filaments like ABS, PLA , wood and metal composites, or dissolvable PVA. It also comes with MicroSDTM card so you can start printing right out of the box.  It is Compatible with Cura, Repetier, and other software and support Mac and windows.

5. WOL 3D New Lilliput Mini 3D Printer:-

 WOL new Lilliput Mini 3D Printer is best for beginners and professional purpose. It is very light weight so you can easily move it anywhere. The filament holder is beside the printer. It has micro USB card slot and USB –B male cord for load your printing file. At the top of the printer you will get backlit display and a knob for control menu system. You can easily print anything directly with this 3d printer and turn your imagination intro real life.


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