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5 Best Electric Steam Baby Bottle Sterilizer In 2018

Here I discuss about list of 5 best Electric Steam Sterilizer in 2018. Those are very useful and in your budget. Here I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let’s talk about it.

1. Philips Avent 3-In-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer:-

Philips Avent 3-In-1 Electric Steam Sterilizer comes with adjustable size that can easily fit anywhere in your room or kitchen and its built quality is very good. Its natural steam sterilization kills 99.9 percent of harmful germs. This sterilizer is made with BPA Free materials. It is very suitable for wide neck and narrow neck bottle. This product sterilizes the feeding bottles in just 6 minute cycle with automatic shut-off function. So, it is very comfortable for your baby.

2. SToK ST-ES01 Electric Steam Sterilizer :-

SToK Electric Steam Sterilizer comes with 3-in1 functionality which gives you the liberty to sterilize small, medium as well as large size bottles. This product Kills 99.9 percent of harmful germs that can protect your baby. It can sterilize baby Feeding bottles and other accessories in just 8 minute cycle with automatic turn-off function. This sterilizer has a capacity to hold maximum 6 bottles at once and it is made from BPA Free materials. So, it is very nice for your baby.

3. Peter Fighter Plus Electric Baby Bottle Sterilizer :-

R for Rabbit Peter Fighter Plus comes with 2 in 1 Steam Sterilizer. It has 9 minutes timer for fast steam sterilization, can sterilize 6 bottles at the same time. This product Kills 99.9 percent of harmful germs and bacteria in the bottle to keep your baby safe from diseases. This product comes with 0% BPA and its automatic shutdown feature in case of low water level for safety purpose. So, this product is very nice for your baby.

4. WonderKart Tiny Shell Baby Electric Steam Sterilizer: -

WonderKart Tiny Shell Baby Electric Steam Sterilizer comes with very stylish body and this product suitable for all bottle types, including narrow neck and wide neck. Its natural steam sterilization kills 99.9 percent of harmful germs that can protect your baby. This product is simple to use and it cleans teats, pacifiers, breast pumps, toddler plates, spoons, baby bottles and many more. So, it is very useful product for your baby.

5. Trumom Electric Steam Sterilizer :-

Trumom electric steam sterilizer builds with 100% BPA free materials. This product can sterilize 6 bottles at the same time and suitable for all bottle types, including narrow neck and wide neck. Its sterilization time is 6 minutes. It can sterilize bottles, teats, soothers, breast pump and many more and it can steams baby food also. So, this product is very nice for your baby.


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