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5 Best 5 1 Home Theater System 2018 Model

Here I discuss about list of 5 best 2018 model 5.1 home theater system. Those are very useful and in your budget. In this video I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let’s talk about it.

1. Truvison TV-6045bt 5.1 Home Theater System:-

This Home Theater System support Bluetooth USB, SD card, Pen Drive, FM Playback and provides a Superior Sound Clarity. This is new 2018 Model. It is Compatible with PC, TV, Mobile, Laptop, DVD player, and other Media Players. This product provides Powerful DTS Dolby Surround Sound and Superior Sound Clarity. It also comes with 1 Year warranty on manufacturer. Its power consumption capacity is 16000W. So, this Home Theater gives you a cinema hall experience at your home.

2. TV-7777BT Home Theater System: -

This  5.1 Home Theater Speaker System comes with USB, FM, AUX, MMC, Bluetooth feature. It is Compatible with television, computer, pc, smartphone, tablet, music player, DVD player, blu-ray player, Xbox, wii etc and provides 5.1 surround sound, even from 2-channel stereo sources. Even it supports Karaoke MIC for home recording studio. Its provides 170 Watts total output 80 w for woofer + 90 w for other 5 speakers. It is also  new 2018 model.

3. Tronica Republic Series:-

Tronica Republic Series 5.1 Home theatre comes with black color body and its build quality is very stylish. It supports FM/AUX/USB/SD CARD. It also comes with a Remote Control for easy access. This Stylish 5.1 speaker system delivers good quality audio and extended bass for your music, movies or PC games. This product also produces realistic audio from its five compact satellite speakers and powerful ported subwoofer. Tronica Republic Home theatre comes with a bass controller with LED indicator. It also comes with 3500W whopping features. So, it is very nice product for enjoy your life.

4. LG LHD756W Multi Region 5.1-Channel Home Theater:-

This LG 5.1-Channel Home Theater comes with 1200 watts of power and rear wireless speakers. It can record CD tracks or FM radio programs on your USB, while listening at the same time. It is also a region free home theater system means it can support PAL and NTSC both. It also supports FM, AUX, USB, SD-CARD etc. Even it has Karaoke function so you can sing with it.

5. Sony HT-S700RF Real 5.1ch Home Theatre System :-

This Sony home theatre comes with black color with diamond shape punching premium design metal grill.  It can provide high sound pressure with 1000W Power output. It also provides Powerful Bass with 20 cm bigger Subwoofer. It also comes with two Tall boy rear speakers and two front speakers which give you high quality surround sound clarity. It can connect via Bluetooth, USB, HDMI, ARC & Optical. So it gives you 5.1 Ch surround sound experience at your home.


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