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5 Best Double Doors Large Refrigerator In 2019

Here I discuss about list of 5 best double doors large refrigerator in 2019 , those are very useful and in your budget. Here I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let’s talk about it.

1. Samsung 345 L 3 Star Frost Free Double Door Refrigerator :-

This Samsung double door refrigerator comes with twin cooling facility means it has two separate cooling systems with each compartment, so it keeps up to 70% humidity. It also has in-built InverterCompressor that keeps your food fresh and tasty for a long time. It also comes with 5 modes normal, seasonal, vacation, extra fridge and home alone. It has auto defrostfacility to stop ice build-up. This Samsung double door refrigerator’s energy rating is 3 stars and capacity is 345 L.It is also comes with Samsung Inverter Digital Technology so it is energy efficient and save your electricity bill. It has 1 year Warranty on product and 10 years Warranty on compressor.So, it is Suitable for big modern families.

2. LG 335 L 4 Star Inverter Frost-Free Double-Door Refrigerator :-

We all know that LG is a great brand in refrigerator market. So this LG dual fridge helps convert the freezer into fridge within 68 minutes and it delivers more precise temperature control to help internal temperature fluctuations. On the other hand its door cooling features provides air flow to the front of the refrigerator for enhance cooling in the door area andkeeps your food fresh and tasty for a long time.  It also has frost-free technology to stop ice build-up. This LG double-door refrigerator also comes with auto smart connect technology that helps connect your refrigerator to home inverter.Its Energy Rating has 4 Star and comes with  1 year Warranty on product and 10 years Warranty on compressor.

3. Haier 320 L 3 Star Frost Free Double Door Refrigerator :-

Haier 320 L Frost Free Double Door Refrigerator comes with 1 hour icing technology and its built quality is very good. This product suitable for 3-4 member families. It has auto defrostfeatures that ensures that this appliance remains frost free at all times. Its energy rating is 3 star and comes with 1 year warranty on product and 10 years warranty on compressor. Its voltage capacity is 240 volts. It also comes with 234 liters freezercapacity and 86 liters food capacity. It keeps your food fresh and tasty for a long time. So, it is very useful product for family.

4. Whirlpool 245 L 2 Star Frost Free Double Door Refrigerator :-

This Whirlpool frost free double door refrigerator comes with galaxy steel color body and its built quality is very stylish. It also comes with 6th sense deepfreeze technology which provides fresh air into different sections of the refrigerator. It also has micro block technology which provides lifelong protection. Even it has active deotechnology which keeps the refrigerator environment fresh and smellsfree.Its energy rating has 2 star and voltage capacity is 250 volts. It comes with 1 year Warranty on product and 10 years Warranty on compressor. ItsEnergy efficient so, it save your electricity bill. It is Suitable for families with 2 to 3 members.

5. Samsung 394 L 3 Star Frost Free Double Door Refrigerator :-

This Samsung 394 L double door refrigerator comes with Elegant Inox color with frost free technology. It is also Energy efficient so, itsaves your electricity bill. It is a one kind of large refrigerator and suitable for families with 5 or more members. It has Digital Inverter Compressor facility which keeps your food fresh and tasty for a long time.It also comes with LED digital displaytouch control panel so, you can easily change temperature settings and turn on power. This Samsungrefrigerator has door alarming systemto alert you when door isopen.Its Energy Rating has 3 Star.It has 1 year Warranty on product and 10 years Warranty on compressor.


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