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Top 3 Best Inverter Refrigerators In India 2022 Under 20000

Best 3 Inverter Refrigerators In India 2022 

There are many companies dealing in refrigerators. In the market, there are many models of the fridge. If you are going to buy a refrigerator for your house then you should know about some important things. Actually, you can't buy a refrigerator without knowing about the important things. So following are the important things that you should know about before buying a refrigerator for your home. So, to make your kitchen look beautiful and to make your life easier, you can choose one of the refrigerators from these top 3 best refrigerators in India 2022.

Top 3 Best Inverter Refrigerator In India Under 20000

1.   Samsung 198 L 3 Star Inverter Single Door Refrigerator:-

The Samsung 3 Star Inverter Direct cool 198 L Single Door Refrigerator is suitable for families with 2 to 3 members. It has a freezer capacity of 24 Litres and a fresh food capacity of 174 L. It comes with 3 functional Digi Touch Cool Mode such as echo mode, e-defrost, and fridge power cool mode. It is also built to last long thus it is durable and its annual energy consumption is 163 kilowatt-hours per year. Moreover, the Samsung 3 star inverter direct cool single door refrigerator comes with inverter technology that conserves energy and saves on bills. The Samsung 3 Star Inverter Direct cool Single Door Refrigerator has various features like you can run this with solar energy which ensures that the energy consumed is minimal. Even it can run during a power cut situation. It also has Anti Bacterial Gasket that keeps food fresh and comes with easy to clean back which can protect your family from harmful food. It also comes with 3 Star rating with 10 years warranty on the compressor and 1 year on the product. You can buy this product at any official store or online in India check the link in the video description below.


2.    LG 190 L 4 Star Inverter Direct-Cool Single Door Refrigerator 

If you like a base stand with a drawer-style fridge then this LG single-door refrigerator is perfect in this price range. This LG refrigerator comes with a spacious chiller tray, Spill-proof toughened glass a large vegetable basket which a capacity is 12.6 L, and an anti-bacterial gasket with an innovative lattice-patterned box cover that keeps fresh foods and vegetables for more time. This LG refrigerator runs with a home inverter and solar energy which ensures that the energy consumed is minimal. It comes with Direct-Cool technology and consumes energy 131 kilowatts per hour. This LG refrigerator model fits 2-3 family members and the fresh food capacity is 168 L and the freezer capacity is 22 L. This LG refrigerator also comes with a 4-star energy rating a 1-year product warranty and 10 years compressor warranty. So if you want to get this LG refrigerator for your home, then find the link in the description box below.

 3.   Samsung 220 L 4 Star Inverter Direct Cool Single Door Refrigerator :- 

This Samsung single door refrigerator comes with a 4-star energy rating and freezer capacity is 24 L and fresh food capacity is 196 liters. The Samsung  4 star refrigerator has digital inverter technology and direct cool mode which is more durable and energy saving. It also comes with a digital display and Digi touch cool features, such as curd eco mode, e-defrost, and fridge power cool mode. This Samsung refrigerator runs on a home inverter and solar energy which ensures that the energy consumed is minimal. This Samsung refrigerator comes with a 4-star energy rating with 1 year product warranty and 10 years compressor warranty. It can run on 100v to 300v AC power without a stabilizer. It also has a base stand drawer with 3 spill-proof toughened glass shelf. It also has an anti-bacterial gasket that keeps food fresh and easy to clean back which can protect your family from harmful food. You can buy this product at any official store or online in India check the link in the video description below.


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