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Top 3 Solar Air Conditioners In India 2022 - Solar Air Conditioner Price In India

Top 3 Solar Air Conditioners In India 2022 

The summer is a season of peak temperature in India. We all want to stay cool throughout the season. If you want to spend less on electricity bills then you can make use of the solar air conditioner. Solar air conditioners are being used in the entire world. If you are struggling with the high electricity bills then this is the time to switch to a solar air conditioner. Here I am talking about the top 3 solar air conditioners in India in 2022.

1.   SINFIN Magic Cool Pro 1.5 Ton Solar Split AC :-

SinFin provides two types of air conditioners - the standard E type, which means power source from electricity, and then there's the new model, the C type, which means power source solar panel or battery. SinFin also has different models like Hot and cold, Ayurveda but today I am talking about Magic Cool Pro 1.5 ton solar split AC. This air conditioner is designed to run off of different sources of alternative energy like solar. It saves grid electricity, so you can save up to 80% on your electricity bill! Even this AC comes with a Solar PCU Compatible system that continuously monitors the battery and solar voltage to enhance the durability and consistency of the product over its life cycle.

SINFIN Magic Cool Pro solar split AC comes with 100% copper coil and long-lasting. It also comes with 1 Year warranty on ac, 1 Year warranty on the condenser and 5 years warranty on the compressor.

This SINFIN Solar AC is very environment friendly because it reduces grid power consumption to 100% by generating grid power from renewable energy sources. Fossil fuel, which powers the majority of our electricity grids, produces carbon emissions that enter the atmosphere and cause widespread harm. On the other hand running your air conditioner on solar power means you are not only preventing these harmful gases from entering the atmosphere but you are also reducing your carbon footprint, an important step in terms of becoming more environmentally conscious.


2.   EXALTA 1XS024 1.5 Ton Split Solar Air Conditioner:-

EXALTA  is another best solar ac provider in India. This solar AC comes with BLDC compressor with 100% copper coil. 1XS024 is a DC 24v air conditioner and this is designed to run off of different sources of energy like direct solar, 24v battery, and 220v AC grid power. Its power consumption is 700 Watt with starting ampere 50/24v and ISEER value is 5.8 so you can save your electricity bill. Let’s talk about its warranty; the company gives you 1 Year warranty on the motherboard and 5 years warranty on Compressor. If I talk about the price then EXALTA 1.5 ton split solar AC price is 58,000 including all taxes. You can check the product link in the video description below.

my third solar AC in the list is another

3.   Exalta EXAL_SAC 1XES 1.5 Ton Split Solar Air Conditioner:-


This Exalta 1.5 solar AC is a 6-star rating means it can save up to 80% on your electricity bill! Even this AC comes with a Solar PCU Compatible system that continuously monitors the battery and solar voltage to enhance durability and consistency. This solar split AC comes with 100% copper coil means it gives you more consistency and long-lasting servicers. It also comes with an exciting offer 5 Year replacement guarantee with 5 year warranty, great na!  This air conditioner system is designed to run off of different sources of alternative energy such as direct solar and 220v AC grid power. You can also run it with 24v inverter with two battery systems. Now talk about its price, it costs 45,000 INR .

So, If you’re looking to cut some costs and save energy around the house, consider installing a solar AC unit. This can help you reduce your monthly electric bills and lower your overall carbon footprint!

 Hope you like this article. If you like this please share this article and feel free to comment below. Thanks for visiting my blog.


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