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5 Best Air Cooler Under 10000 In 2018

Today I discuss about list of 5 best Air Cooler under 10,000 in 2018 those are very efficient and portable. Here I also discuss those features and specifications. 

1. Bajaj MD2020 Room Air Cooler :-

This Bajaj Air Cooler comes with good white color plastic body and it is suitable for medium room in size and all climates. It keeps your room cool and always blows fresh air for its cross-ventilation system. But keeps in mind that, always open the window or door when use it. It also has 3 ways speed control and 4 way air deflection system those enhanced its performance. This air cooler have 54 ltrs water capacity and has an opener in font side to pour the water in the tank. It is very easy to use and easily removable wood wool cooling pads. It consuming more power likes 230 watts than similar product, which is not suitable for inverter capacity.

2. Symphony Diet 22i Air Cooler :-

Symphony Diet 22i is a small room air cooler and it is controlled by a remote controller with 7 hours timer. It provides powerful air throw with auto swing for its cross-ventilation system. So you have to open the door or window when use it.  It comes with white color good quality plastic body. It gives an alarm alert when tank is empty. Even this symphony air cooler has system restore function. Its ice tank capacity is 22 liter and its power consumption is 170w. It also has a Dura-pump with Honey-comb cooling pad technology.

3. Usha Stellar ZX CP 206T Room Cooler :-

Usha Stellar comes with good plastic body and it is so portable and smooth performance. It also comes with wheel so you can move it anywhere in your room. It has 20 litres capacity tank and top loading ice compartment. It power consumption is 135 watts.  This Usha room cooler throw fresh cool air from 16 feet distance and keep your room cool.  

4. Bajaj DC 70DLX Room Air Cooler :-

Bajaj DC 70DLX comes with well build quality and white color plastic body. It is ideal for large room size of up to 600 ft and suitable for all climates. It has a 70 litres capacity tank and a water level indicator. It has CROSS-VENTILATION technology so you have to open door or window when it performs.  This Bajaj DC cooler is easy to use and has 3 sides cooling pad which is easily removable. It also has 3 way speed controller and consume power of 200 Watts. Even it also works in load shedding situation with inverter mode.

5. Bajaj PCF 25DLX  Room Air Cooler:-

Bajaj PCF Room Air Cooler comes with good white color plastic body and it is suitable for medium room in size and all climates. It keeps your room cool and always blows fresh air for its cross-ventilation system. But keeps in mind that, always open the window or door when use it. This Bajaj cooler is easy to use and has Honeycomb cooling media with 3 sides cooling pad which is easily removable.  It has an 80 litres capacity tank and a water level indicator. It consumes power 80 watts and works with inverter in load shedding situation.


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