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5 Best Ceiling Fan Under RS 2000

In this article I discuss about list of 5 best Ceiling Fan under Rs. 2000 for your home in 2018 and those features and specifications.

1. Havells Pacer Ceiling Fan :-

Havells Pacer Ceiling Fan comes with three color variant brown, off-white and Ivory. It is a high speed fan and blade size is 48 inch. This fan has double ball bearings so it can take speed of 400RPM and blow air of 235 CMM . Even it can perform very well in low voltage.  Its power consumption is 72 W.

2. Luminous Dhoom High Speed Ceiling Fan :-

Luminous Dhoom Ceiling Fan comes with Ivory color. It is a high speed Ceiling Fan and Sweep size 1200mm. Luminous Dhoom can take speed of 380 RPM and blow air of 220CMM. It gives Optimum performance even at low voltages. This fan is crafted with high quality raw materials and it has a wider conical spread of breeze in all corners of room. Its power consumption is 70 watts and Operating Voltage capacity is 230 volts.

3. Orpat Air Flora  Ceiling Fan:-

Orpat Air Flora Ceiling Fan comes with Brown color slick design body. It is a high speed fan and blade size 48 inch. It also available 14 pole heavy duty and high speed motor. Orpat Air Flora also comes with 3 Power coated aluminum Blades and it can take speed of 350 - 400 RPM and Sweep size 1200 mm. Its power consumption is 75 watts and Operating Voltage capacity is 100-240 volts.

4. Crompton High Speed Ceiling Fan :-

Crompton High Speed Ceiling Fan comes with Brown color body with 3 Blades fan. It comes with Simple and sturdy design. It also gives Noiseless operation and provides comfort, safety and durability. It has Double ball bearing system. It can take speed up to 320 RPM and Sweep size 600mm. Its power consumption is 70 watts and Operating Voltage capacity is 220-230 volts.

5. Usha Swift Ceiling Fan :-

Usha Swift Ceiling Fan comes with Brown color body. It has High lift angle blade with 600mm size for wide air spread. It performs well at low voltage. It can take speed of 830 RPM and blow air of 100cmm. Its power consumption is 74 Watts and Voltage capacity is 230 Volts. It also comes with Glossy powder coated paint for superior finish and longer life.


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