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5 Best Food Processor In India 2018

Here I discuss about list of 5 best Food Processor in 2018. Those are very useful and in your budget. Here I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let’s talk about it.

1. Wonderchef Turbo Dual Speed Food Processor :-

Wonderchef Turbo Food Processor comes with Black color body with stainless steel blades. Its built with High Quality Materials. Wonderchef Turbo Food Processor is unique dual-speed manual food processor. It has two gear settings,first gear for power and fourth gear for speed. It also comes with Super-sharp stainless steel blades for easy cutting, slicing, chopping and mincing. It has Whipper for mixing dough and beating eggs. This product also comes with 1-Piece of Food Processor, 1-Piece of Chopping Blade, 1-Piece of Whip Blade and 3-Pieces Slicing Platform. It is 6 in 1 Food Processor for all purpose and you can cook delicious food for your friend very quickly.

2. Inalsa Fiesta 650-Watt Food Processor :-

Inalsa Fiesta Food Processor comes with White/Grey color body. Its power consumption is 650 Watt and operating noise level is 80-90 dB. This product also comes with 1.5 L Poly Carbonate Blender Jar and 1.0 L Stainless Steel Grinding Jar. You can use it for all purpose in your kitchen for make delicious food very quickly. So, it is very useful for your kitchen.

3. Bajaj FX 11 Food Processor :-

Bajaj  FX 11  is like a food factory . This Food Processor comes with 3 speed control with incher facility for momentary operation. Its built quality is very good and its white color body is very attractive. Its power consumption is 600 watts. Its twist and lock mechanism  ensure your safety during food processing.  You can do any food processing like grinding, liquidizing, juicing and dough making.

4. Philips Mini Food Processor :-

Philips Daily Collection Mini Food Processor comes with Black color body and its built quality is very stylish. Its power consumption is 650 watts and Operating voltage capacity is 220-240 volts. This product also comes with 2.1 litre bowl, 1.75 litre blender jar and tools for mixing cream and eggs. It also has sharp and strong stainless steel blade for chopping and Reversible stainless steel disc for slicing and shredding. It comes with 2 speed settings and pulse for maximum control and it has Citrus press for fresh orange or grapefruit juice. It also comes with Kneading tool, Emulsifying disk, Blender jar, Reversible slicing and Stainless steel blades. So, it is very useful for your kitchen.

5. Usha 2663 :-  

Usha 2663 Food Processor comes with Mincing, shredding, slicing, atta kneading, and blending, juicing, dry and wet grinding. It is very stylish looking with white color body and build quality is very good. It also comes with Separate whipper , overload reset switch , 3 jars with flow breakers, a Blender jar with fruit filter and unbreakable bowl with cover. Its power consumption is 600-Watt. This product comes with Safety interlock switch for preventing injuries and accidents. So, it is very good gadget for your modern kitchen.


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