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5 Best High Velocity Fan In India 2018

Here I discuss about list of 5 best high velocity fan in 2018. Those are very useful and in your budget. In this video I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let’s talk about it.

1. Lasko 2265QM :- 

Lasko 2265QM High Velocity Floor and Wall mount fan comes with Silver color and its built quality is very good. It has Patented fused three prong grounded safety plug. This product also comes with Rubber pads to protect surfaces. It comes with 6.58 Kg weight and 20-Inch Max High Velocity facility. This product is suitable for your room, office and school.

2. Cool Works VE-230 X  :-  

Cool Works VE comes with 3-Speed High Velocity Metal Floor Fan and it built quality is very stylish. This product comes with Black color body. It provides 360 degree circle powerful air circulation. It also has 3 speed settings with rotary switch. So, it is very useful for your modern room, office and other indoor surfaces.

3. Vie Air High Velocity Floor Fan:-

Vie Air High Velocity Floor Fan comes with black color body and it built quality is very good. It has 3 speed controls for your optimal comfort. It also a Wall mount High Velocity fan. It comes with 1.2 Kg weight. So, it is very useful for your modern room.

4. Comfort Zone High Velocity Turbo Fan:-   

Comfort Zone 6 Inch High Velocity Turbo Fan comes with Turbo design with 2 speed controls. This product also comes with High-gloss color body. Its contemporary color scheme with Dark accents. So, it is very good looking and powerful fan for your modern room and your office in summer season.

5. B-Air PB-25 :-

B-Air PB-25  3320 CFM Polar Axial High Velocity  Fan comes with red color body and its built quality is very good.  Its capacity is 1/4 HP. It has 18" ducting easily attaches to outlet for more versatility. Its high Velocity Air Mover provides you water damage restoration. You can set it in multiple drying positions using its optional stand. This product comes with sealed motor which makes for easy and safe cleaning. It is very useful for drying paints and blow air for your modern room in summer season.


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