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Top 5 Best Air Purifier In India

In this article I discuss about list of Top 5 best Air Purifier for your bedroom and you inhale clean air when you sleep . I also discuss those features and specifications. So, Let's talk about it.

1. Philips AC1215/20 Air Purifier :-
Philips AC1215/20 air purifier provides automatic light sensing mode for cleaner nights with ultra silent. it is especially designed for use in bedrooms. Its clean air delivery rate is 270 m3/hour. It has natural filtration technology which gives 100% Ozone free with no harmful chemicals. It also provides HEPA filter to purify more efficiently in your house.

2. Kent Ozone TY-100B Room Air Purifier :-
Kent Ozone comes with black color body with rounded shape. It is looking very attractive.  This room air purifier provides timer mode and also provides Hi, Mid, Low and OZ mode. Its cycle mode blow circular air around your bedroom. It produce Ozone gas  and highly reactive oxidant which is spray air effectively through a fan in extremely silent mode. It also capable to reduce bacteria, viruses and harmful germs in your living room. It is power up with 3.6 Watt capacity.

3. Gliese Magic :-
Gliese Magic provides 5 stage air filtration system including Pre-filter, HEPA filter, Activated carbon filter, UV light , 360 degree ultra efficient filtration and Anion generator which Protects your Family from dust, allergies, gases, smoke nicotine, bacteria and viruses. This is suitable for room sizes up to 200 sq.ft. It has digital touch panel console with PM 2.5 meter, residual filter life meter & 4 color air quality indicators. It is power up with 24 Watts capacity.

4. Sharp FP-F40E-T Air Purifier :-
This Air Purifier provides passive HEPA filter system , which traps PM2.5 particles, smoke, house dust and pollen and the pre-filter traps heavy dust particles. Its filtered active plasma cluster eliminates smell, toxic gases, VOC, pathogens from both air and surface.  It is power up with 31 watt capacity.

5. Philips 2000 Series AC2882/50 Air Purifier :-

Philips AC2882/50 Air  Purifier comes with 4  color air quality indicators.  It provides almost 100% ozone free. It purify harmful gases and other air-borne harmful particles  and reduce the indoor pollution level. It is power up with 56 Watt capacity.

1. Philips 1000 Series AC1215/20 Air :-
2. Kent Ozone TY-100B 3.6-Watt Room Air Purifier :- 
3. Gliese Magic - 24 Watt Room Air Purifier with HEPA Filter & PM 2.5 meter :- 
4.  Sharp FP-F40E-T 31-Watt Air Purifier :- 
5. Philips 2000 Series AC2882/50 56-Watt Air Purifier :- 


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