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Top 5 Latest RO + UV Water Purifier In India 2017 2018

In this article I discuss about list of Top 5 latest RO, UV Water Purifier in India 2018. Those provide 100% natural alkaline water and perfect for every health conscious families.  Here I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let's talk about it.

1. Ocean Pure Royal Crown RO Water Purifier :
Ocean Pure Royal Crown water purifier comes with 100% safe food graded plastic body with free pre-filter & all fitting accessories and build quality is more attractive. Its maximum capacity is 10ltr. Its filter area is covered with transparent glass, so you can see its filter and mechanism. Its main thing is that you don’t need any electricity for this. So it is save you money. It provides RO+UV+UF purifying facility and water mineralize by TDS control, so it gives you 100% natural water.

2. Aquaguard Reviva Nxt :
Aquaguard Reviva Nxt comes with 8.5 liter in-built storage tank and purify water 10-15 liters/h and also have auto shut-Off function and a smart indicators. Its advanced RO, UV and MTDS technology provides you 100% healthy, safe and tasty drinking water. Its build quality is great with black color. It also protects your family from disease-causing bacteria, virus and protozoa.

3. A.O.Smith Z8 Green RO Series Water Purifier:
A.O.Smith Z8 comes with black color body with good grade plastic of tank. Its capacity of water is 10 liter. This water purifier is designed to suit your lifestyle and match your home or kitchen décor. It provides 100% RO water purification with Mineralizer. It also saves 2X water than an ordinary RO water purifier. It has two tap systems one is provide normal and another is hot water. It also protects your family from disease-causing bacteria, virus and protozoa.

4. RO Water Purifier :
This RO water purifier comes with 5 stages RO purifier like pre filter, sediment filter, pre carbon filter, ro membrane and post carbon filter. It provides 9 ltr of capacity. It protects you family from any viral diseases and gives you unique tasty natural water.

5. Eureka Forbes Aquasure Aquaflo DX :
Aquaflo DX comes with In-built voltage stabilizer with Dual cartridge and Buzzer indicator with 3.3 liters capacity food grade plastic tank with white color body. It provides UV water purification and delivers Hi flow of water 2 Liter in a minute. It protects your family from any kind of viral diseases and gives you tasty and 100% natural water.


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