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Top 5 Best Coffee Maker In India 2017-2018

I discuss about list of top 5 best Coffee Maker machines which is very handy and easy to carry. Here I also discuss about those features and specifications.

1. Morphy Richards Fresco Coffee Maker :-

Fresco coffee maker machine comes with black color body with temperature indicator dial. Its total capacity is 4 cups with milk frothing. It provides overheat protection and operating voltage is 210-250 volts and power up with 800 watts.  It also comes with drip tray, Glass carafe, milk frothing nozzle and stainless steel 2 cups filter.

2. Prestige DRIP PCMD 3.0 Coffee Maker:-

Prestige DRIP comes with black color body with anti-drip mechanism with advance design mesh filter. Its capacity is 6 cups. It also has advanced brewing technology with water level indicator which gives you the great cup of coffee instantly. It also has lifter handle facilitates to easy removal of filter.

3. Prestige PCMD 2.0 41855 Coffee Maker :-

This coffee maker comes with black color compact design body. It has advance design filter and has a brew basket with lifter handle and makes 1- 2 cups of coffee. It is power up with 400 watts. This prestige coffee maker also have advance mesh filter, anti-drip mechanism, advanced brewing technology, water level indicator etc.

4. Havells Crystal Tea and Coffee Maker :-

Havells Crystal, glass tea and coffee maker comes with stainless steel body with black color. It has a brewing technology with filter basket and a Strix thermostat temperature controller. It also has a nice bent handle and detachable base, so you can carry it easily. It is power up with 600 watts. This machine is best for brewing both coffee and tea.

5. Usha coffee maker 3320 :-

Usha coffee maker comes with black color body with LED display panel which measuring your brewing time. It provides concealed heating element, lockable top lid and dry boil protection features.


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