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Top 5 3 Liter Water Heaters For Your Home

Here I discuss about list of top 5 3 liter water heater for your home. I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let’s talk about it.

1. Crompton Solarium DLX IWH03PC1 :
Crompton Solarium water heater comes with 3 liter steel tank with 3000 watt power with small LEDs which inform you when the water is hot and you are ready to go. It provides instant hot water and has an auto cut off function to assure safety and save your electricity bills. Its tank is glass coated so it prevents rusting.

2. Bajaj Majesty :

Bajaj Majesty comes with high impact resistant engineering plastic body with multiple safety system with neon indicators for power on and heating function.  Bajaj Majesty water heater prevents rusting and corrosion. Its power consumption is 3000 watts. It provides you instant hot water and safety.

3. V-Guard Sprinhot :

V-Guard Sprinhot comes with 3 liter stainless steel inner tank and the outer body is long lasting rust proof.  It is one of the best water heaters for your kitchen or bathroom. It has automatic temperature regulation and save your electricity bill.

4. AO Smith EWS-3 :

AO Smith EWS comes with white color, oval shape good quality plastic body with 3 liter inner tank. Its power consumption is 3000 watts. Its inner tank is glass coated heating element so, it prevents rusting. It also has auto cut-off function so, it reduce your electric bill. It has reliable heating technology that will always give you instant hot water.

5. Eveready Ozora :

Eveready Ozora comes with ss 304 grade inner tank of 3 liter capacity with white color body which has a power on indicator light. It provides instant hot water and has an auto cut off function to assure safety and save your electricity bills. Its power consumption is 3000 watts.


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