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Top 5 Best Electric Heated Lunch Boxes You Can Buy 2018

In this article I discuss about list of my top 5 best electric heated lunch box and their features and specifications. So you can decide which one is work best to put your lunch shopping routine.

1.       Technomart  Electric Containers Lunch Box :-
This electric lunch box container will keep your food fresh and hot. It is comes with high temperature resistant material body, which is long lasting and very efficient. It comes with three different colors blue, yellow and pink. It has a handle, which makes it easy to carry. It also has a small compartment with a spoon. So as per my opinion it is the best useful lunchbox for you.

Amazon :-

2.       Milton Electron Containers Lunch Box :-
This electron lunch box container comes with gray color anti- shock-proof body with a detachable cord. It has a 45 minute auto cut-off feature. Simply plug it in to get a steaming hot and you can ready meal in 30 minutes.  It also has 3 tiffin set of 300 ml each.

Amazon :-

3.        Jaypee plus, Hott line, Electric Lunch box :-
Jaypee plus comes with 45 minutes auto cut-off feature with LED light display with built in thermostat black color body.  It is easy to use just plug-n-heat.  It also comes with detachable power cord that can be plugged in to heat up food contents. It has a comfortable handle for ease to hold the lunch box. You can also clean it easily for its wide mouth design. This lunch box has 3 containers.

Amazon :-

4.       Cello Newton Electric Lunch Box :-
Cello Newton comes with auto cut-off function with special durable heat resistant plastic body for long term use. It can make your food within minutes. It also comes with a detachable power cord and provision in the lid to store the cord. Its power consumption is only 50 W. It also comes with 4 containers without odor.

Amazon :-

5.       Dtes Food Electric Heater Portable Heated Lunch Box :-
This electric heater lunch box is very stylish and fashionable, so you can gift it someone. It is design very compact and lightweight. So you can carry it very well.  It is safer, more convenient and energy-saving. Its power consumption is only 40 w so, it consumes less electricity.  

Amazon :-


  1. Really i am very impressed from this blog. Very interesting information.

    Buy Lunch Boxes Online


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