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Top 5 Best 750 Watt Mixer Grinder You Can Buy

Here I discuss about list of top 5 best 750-Watt Mixer Grinder for your kitchen. I also discuss those features and specifications.

1. Pigeon Torrent Mixer Grinder :-
Pigeon Torrent comes with cream colour stylish body of virgin plastic and will look very attractive in your kitchen.  This mixer grinder runs on a powerful motor so, you will get some noise. It has automatically shuts off function so, when you use it for a long time, it will shut off automatically. This mixer also comes with 3 jars. It has three blades at the bottom that grind all your ingredients to a smooth paste or powder.

2. Prestige Elegant Mixer Grinder :-
Prestige Elegant Mixer Grinder comes with red and white colour body and 3 stainless steel jars and a transparent juicer jar included. It has 4 super-efficient stainless steel blades and a 750W powerful motor. This mixer will look very attractive in your kitchen. It also comes with fashionable sturdy handle with Ergonomic Front knob.

3. Philips HL 7720 Mixer Grinder :-
Philips mixer grinder comes with multicolour variant. It has powerful 750W motor which is very reliable. It has click lock function to secure the mixer jar lock. It also has stainless steel specially designed blades for perfect mixing.  Even this mixer has nice ventilation system which keeps the mixer body cool. It also comes with a 0.5 litre Chutny Jar, one main jar and multipurpose jar. It also has auto cut off function for safety purpose.

4. Butterfly Jet Mixer Grinder :-
Butterfly Jet comes with futuristic new designs and special shock proof ABS cherry color body with 3 stainless steel jars with Polycarbonate transparent lid.  It has micro balanced 750W motor for low noise and efficient performance with auto cut-off function for motor protection.

5. Butterfly Matchless Mixer Grinder :-

Butterfly Matchless Mixer Grinder is very efficient, powerful, shockproof and impact resistant ABS dual colour body. It comes with two colour variant grey and white.  It has 750w 3 speed motor for faster and efficient grinding. All jars has elegantly designed handle with unbreakable lid.


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