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Top 5 Best Forehead Thermometer In 2018

Here I discuss about list of Top 5 Best Forehead Thermometer In 2018. I also discuss those features and specifications. So, let’s talk about it.

1. Omron MC-720 Non-Contact Forehead Thermometer:-

Omron Forehead Thermometer provides 3 in 1 measurement facility; it can calculate forehead temperature, room temperature and surface temperature. It also has 25 memories facility so; it can save your previous measurement data. It can reading very fast, in one second. You just hold it from 1-3 centimeter distance from forehead and press start button. It is also suitable for children. This Thermometer easily switches between Fahrenheit and Celsius.


2. Dr. Odin Non-Contact Forehead Thermometer:-

Dr. Odin Forehead Thermometer is very easy to use and has infrared technology so, you don’t need to touch your skin for measurement. It is suitable for all ages and very easy to operate. It can measure temperature within a second in both Celsius and Fahrenheit. It also has 30 results memory. Even it has two types of measuring mode, person temperature and surface temperature. This thermometer gives an audible alarm alert, if the temperature is more than 38C.

3. Mee Mee Forehead Thermometer (White):-

Mee Mee Forehead Thermometer is very suitable for measuring baby’s temperature even you can measure temperature of a new born baby. It is built with non-toxic material so, it can measure temperature within approx. 15 seconds. Even you can measure temperature when baby is sleeping in silent mode. It is easy to clean with a soft damp cloth.


4. Innovo Thermometer 2017:-

Innovo thermometer has two types of mode, so it can measure forehead and ear temperature and it is medically tested and gives you instant accurate result. It is suitable for all ages.  It can measure in both, F and C.  This thermometer keeps 20 readings in memory. You can take reading of baby’s ear temperature when they are asleep. 


5. Dr. Trust Forehead Thermometer: -

This forehead thermometer comes with 3 color fever guidance backlight. It has infrared   technology so, it provides accurate temperature readings by gently placing the thermometer on the forehead. It has 10 results memory. You can also measure of ear temperature, baby milk bottle and other surface temperature.



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