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Top 5 best Wireless Router 2018-You Try It

1. TP-Link TL-WR841N 300Mbps Wireless-N Router:-  

TP-Link router comes in very cheap price and it provides you 300Mbps wireless speed so you can easily watch HD video streaming without any interruption. It has two antennas which increase wireless stability. It has no modem included but it works well with cable broadband and support RJ-45 cable input. It has IP based bandwidth control. Even it has WPS button for easy wireless security encryption.

2. D-Link DIR-615 Wireless-N300 Router (Black):-  

D-Link DIR-615 wireless router comes in black color body with two antennas. It supports RJ-45 input Ethernet cable. It has 802.11n wireless type so it gives your Wi-Fi more speed and more range. It is very easy to configure and has advance firewall features and support UPnP.

3. OTI Minuto 150 MBPS Wi-Fi Router :- 

OTI Minuto wireless router comes with nice mini white color body like mouse. It supports broadband internet connection such as PPPoE, static IP and dynamic IP. Its speed rating 150 Mbps. The operation mode is AP+WDS so it allows a wireless network to be expanded using multiple access points.

4. D-Link Dir-600M N150 Broadband Wireless Router:- 

D-Link Dir-600M wireless router speed rating is 150 Mbps. It works well with Cable Broadband without modem included. It has 1 antenna and 1 WAN port. It also has WPA or WPA2 security encryption. It supports RJ-45 Ethernet cable input. It also supports HD video streaming without any interruption.

5. IBall iB-WRB304N Router:- 

IBall iB router provides wireless security such as WEP, WPA & WPA-PSK. It has Firewall security features such as IP, MAC, Domain and URL Filtering. It supports RJ-45 Ethernet cable input and connected with all types of Broadband Internet. It gives your Wi-Fi more speed and more range. It is very easy to configure and has firewall security included. 


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