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Top 5 best Portable Digital Audio Recorder 2018

If you are a podcaster or vlogger or journalist or want to improve you audio quality then this is the right article for you. In this article I discuss about list of Top 5 best Portable Digital Audio Recorder for your professional job. 

1. Zoom H1 Handy Portable Digital Recorder:-

Zoom H1 is perfect stereo recorder for any news reporter and vlogger. It can record crystal clear stereo sound with its X/Y mic . It has many buttons which makes you some confusing at first time, but it will very easy to use. You can attach collar mic with its external microphone jack. Even you can attach camera with it. You also can listen sound runtime when you recording. It also comes with play, pause and fast forward buttons and gives you a Hi-Speed 2.0 USB port. It is power up with a single AA size battery or rechargeable battery and gives you up to 10 hours battery life. It supports up to 32 GB micro SD card. It also reduces outdoor background noise when you record.

2. Zoom H1N Handy Portable Digital Recorder:-

Zoom H1N is perfect for beginners and very affordable and very handy for video maker. You can get high quality audio with it. It is also very useful for outdoor recording because of its background noise reduction facility. It is very small and fit in your pocket easily. Other special thing is that it has not lots of functionality and not so hard to use. In the front side you will get a 1.25" monochrome LCD display and a big red record button.  And the right side you will get a mic line socket, volume controllers, hold and power buttons and play, pause, stop, fast – forward buttons with an usb port. It is power up with 2 AAA size alkaline batteries. It can record up to 10 hours in one time charge. It also has 32GB expandable micro SD card slot.

3. Zoom H6 6 Track Portable Digital Recorder:-

Zoom H6 is a sophisticated 6 track portable digital recorder. You will get a professional audio output with it. It gives you 228GB expandable SD card slot and lasts about 20 hours with four AAA size batteries. It will come with lots of Adon accessories in the box.  At the side section you will get 4 XLR and TRS mic line input sockets. It has two standard default microphones which record high quality stereo audio. You also get a MS stereo mic with it. In the front side you will also get 4 nobs for line in sound control and also get record button with play, pause, and fast - forward buttons.  A very nice LCD display you will get in front bottom side and get menu control button for LCD on the right side. Even it has a DC 5V USB port.  It also has remote control socket and line out socket at the bottom of this device.

4. TASCAM DR-40 4-Track Portable Digital Recorder:-

 TASCAM DR-40 is very professional and handy 4 track portable digital recorder. If you are searching for a best and cheap recorder and want to give voice over and something like that then, this is best for you. It comes with a standard switchable microphone position From X-Y to A-B. Even TASCAM gives you an external mic input at the same time. It also record clear sound and remove background noises.  In the front side you will see a large LCD screen with on-off switch, record button, play button, menu control buttons, even fast – forward buttons and many more. Under rear you will find two XLR or TRS combo inputs with TRS remote jack. On the left side you will get hold button, input volume control button and headphone jack. On the right side it has USB port and SD card slot which is expandable up to 265GB. It is power up with 3 AA batteries but you can charge it from power bank or your PC with USB jack. It also has 0.3 W mono speakers. It can record up to 96Hz or 24-Bit resolution. Even you can record dual track at the same time.

5. TASCAM DR-05EB Portable Digital Recorder:-

TASCAM DR-05 has many of the same features as the Zoom H1. It gives you high quality and high-resolution audio with it. It is also very useful for outdoor recording because of its background noise reduction facility. It is very small and fit in your pocket easily. It also can record high sound pressure or loud sounds up to 125dB SPL. It provides you self-timer recording and peak reduction function that detects peaks and automatically sets the optimal level. It is power-up with two AA size batteries.


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