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5 Best 4k DSLR Camera 2017

5 Best 4K DSLR Cameras Price List and Specification:-

Check out best 4K DSLR camera Amazone price :-

Nikon  D500 Black -

Canon EOS 80D -

Nikon  D5 DSLR Camera Dual CF( Black) -

Canon EOS 5D Mark IV -

1.       1. Nikon  D500 Black :-

It comes with 20.9 megapixel optical sensor resolution with DX-format CMOS sensor technology, in black color body with AF-S DX 16-80 f/2.8-4E ED VR Lens, . Its ISO 100 - 52,100 and expandable upto ISO 50 – 16,40,000 and shooting speeds up to 10 fps. It has 153 focus points including 99 cross-type sensors and other 15 sensors support f/8. You can record 4k resolution video with it.  It also comes with built-in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC.

2. Canon EOS 80D :-

Canon EOS 80D Camera comes with Black body with EF-S 18-135mm focal length with apeture f/3.5 to 5.6 Image Stabilization USM Lens Kit with 8GB Memory Card, . Its 24.2 Megapixel (APS-C) CMOS AF sensor technology helps you shoot video full HD 60 fps and full HD HDR with smooth, fast and accurate autofocus. Its maximum shutter speed 30 sec and min aperture 38 f_stop.

3. Nikon  D5 DSLR Camera Dual CF – Black :-

Nikon D5 provides 20.8 megapixel FX-format CMOS sensor and its shooting speed , upto 12 fps.  So you can take a great sports snap short. Its ISO comes with from 100 to 1,02,400 and it expandable to 3,280,000. Its 153 focus points with 99 cross-type give you quick autofocus and get details image quality. It also provides 4K UHD video recording.

4. Sony - Alpha a99 ii DSLR Camera :-

Sony - Alpha a99 ii   is capable for 4K recording with 60i/60p frame rate video. . It comes with 42.4 megapixel resolution with full frame BSI CMOS sensor technology. Its ISO from 100 - 25,600 and it expandable to ISO 50 – 1,02,400 ranges. It’s shooting speed up to 12 fps.  Sony Alpha a99 has 399 focus points with 79 Hybrid Cross type. It also comes with built-in Wi-Fi and NFC.

5. Canon EOS 5D Mark IV :-

This DSLR Camera comes with 24 – 105 mm, aperture f/4L IS II USM Lens with 30.4 megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor technology in build body . It provide ISO 100-32,000 and expandable to 50-1,02,400. Its shooting speeds up to 7 fps with 61 focus points include 41 cross-type . Even it capable to record great 4K video at 30p,24p frame rate. It also comes with built-in Wi-Fi, NFC and GPS connectivity.


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